Thursday, August 7, 2008

Photo Album

Snorkeling near our resort in Fiji.

The view from the top of the hill behind our resort.

The cave we swam in and explored.

Just some of the many fish we got to see.

In front of the famous Sydney Opera House.

Standing on the Harbor Bridge (we have a picture just like this at the Golden Gate).

"The Gap" in Sydney.

And finally a beach near Bondi.

I haven't uploaded the mountains and cave pictures yet, but I hope you enjoy these!



Hey Jordan- Just got your email today it looks like you are having a great adventure. My roomate from college spent a semester abroad in Australia and it looks like you may be beating her experience (ofcourse that was pre-blog days). I have to say the one thing I remember was when she came back she brought us these awesome chocolate bars- maybe check one out. Anyway keep having fun but stay away from those crazy spider trails!!! HUGS- from the Epstein Crew in Hometown PA

Megan said...

I just came to read the comments, but I have to comment too to tell you that my word verification is nkqmtbut, which I read as neckie quimteebutt, which may be a great aboriginal name for you.