Friday, May 15, 2009

My New Exciting Plan

I know my last post said that I was staying in Santa Barbara, BUT after a lot of thought I have changed my mind. Originally I was thinking, "If I don't have a plan, I should just stay here." But the more I thought about my options I realized, since I don't have plans I should go somewhere else, do something different, do anything! There is no better time than the present.

This all seems a bit cliche, I know. But I do have a temporary plan for the summer. My roommate Lola's Dad co-owns a restaurant in Depoe Bay, Oregon. They need waitresses for the summer and there is also a house on the property where I can live rent free. So I'll be saving money, doing something different and exciting, and living in a new beautiful place! Another great part about working there is that Depoe Bay is only 2 and 1/2 hours from Beaverton, where Megan and Trevor live!

After the summer, if I haven't found a job in Portland, I'll move back to good ol' PA and live with Mom and Dad. I was hesitant to do this before because I was worried about isolating myself on the East Coast. But it's always been a dream of mine to live and work in NYC, so I'm going to make it happen!

So I have three weeks left to enjoy SB and my friends here. It will be a whirlwind of final assignments, planning, packing, and of course GRADUATION. I'll keep you updated on my move and summer adventure!

Thanks for reading.


laura said...

Well its good to hear that you know the world is full of options. The truth is you never know where you are going to wind up but hopefully through the process you will find out who you are :) I am very proud of you J-Dawg. YAY!!!!!

Allison said...

Jordan, I am so proud. You are amazing. Enjoy every bit of adventure and surprise life throws at you. I am already teary eyed. I am going to be a mess at your graduation.

Love you and am so proud!


Gram said...

Jordie I love your adventurous spirit. You go girl and do all the things you want to do. You are going to be great at what ever you decide on. I will be waiting to hear from you.
Love You,

Anonymous said...

Jordan- I think you have a very good plan, and the exciting part of it is the unknown. Each adventure you take has you meet new people, and open new opportunities. Whatever the path, Oregon or PA/NYC it will lead you where your meant to be..... enjoy the trip!

Megan said...

Yay for Oregon, the Sea Hag, and sisters.